Shellie Zias-Roe, AICPAs an environmental scientist, Shellie has always been interested in the environment and education. By applying her knowledge of the natural world and its processes, she works to develop projects and programs that protect the environment while promoting the health and well being of its inhabitants. Today she is a doctoral student at Prescott College where she studies Sustainability Education across multiple disciplines including biophilia, topophilia, civic and human ecology, natural resource management, collaborative governance, community planning, equity planning, and environmental impact assessment. Since 2006, her environmental practice has centered on environmental and community planning for a large county in Southern California as well as environmental consulting. Shellie’s research and outreach efforts have focused on the earth and human connection and the study of resiliency within social-ecological systems. She is interested in the application of knowledge to practice in ways to improve the lives of people and the environment through multi-perspectival connections. She holds bachelor’s degrees in Environmental Management: Natural Resource Management and Liberal Arts, and a MAS degree in Environmental Policy and Management: Natural Resource Management. She is adjunct faculty at the University of Redlands in the Environmental Studies Department where she teaches Introduction to Environmental Studies and Environmental Impact Assessment.